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February 12, 2024

SaasRock 0.9.5 - Affiliates with Rewardful, Credit Management, and Pricing improvements

  • Nombre
    Alexandro Martinez
SaasRock 0.9.5 - Affiliates with Rewardful, Credit Management, and Pricing improvements

SaasRock 0.9.5 adds many things: Rewardful integration (Affiliates & Referrals), Credit Management, Pricing improvements, New front account pages, track Events, and a Feedback modal.

Watch the demo here.

⭐ Affiliates using Rewardful

Read this article to learn how to install Rewardful in your app.


⭐ Credits Management

Track how your users are using their credits:


Explain the credit system on the pricing page:


⭐ Pricing Improvements

Added the following properties for your One-time payment plans:

  • Has Quantity

  • Can Buy Again

And for Plan features, there's a new Accumulate Features property.


⭐ New Front Account Pages

You may want to allow your users to use your application without having to go inside /app/:tenant (similar to my 365mvps app).

New user settings page at /settings:


New user subscription page at /settings/subscription:


The bad news is there is no dark mode support for these new pages.

To enable these pages, go to your appConfiguration file and change the tenantHome to "/":


⭐ Track Events (Enterprise-only)

Change your buttons and Links to ButtonEvent to see how your users are interacting with your pages:


And analyze what you should do to improve conversions:


⭐ Feedback Modal

Ask your users for feedback:


And analyze suggestions in the admin portal:


🔨 Resolved Issues

  • ✅ #344: 🔨 Entities: Added RowValue createdAt and updatedAt

  • ✅ #343: 🔨 Entities: Skip delete permission check if SuperUser

  • ✅ #346: 🔨 Entities: Fix custom tenant properties (not updating values)

  • ✅ #345: 🔨 API Logs: Fixed status color with ApiCallStatusBadge

  • ✅ #349: 🔨 Pricing: Subscription cache issue

  • ✅ #347: 🔨 Pricing: Pricing package reset or accumulate features

  • ✅ #348: 🔨 Pricing: Settings > Subscription : incorrect currency

  • ✅ #350: 🔨 Pricing: What's wrong with the API reset?

  • ✅ 🔨 Pricing: Bulk delete selected plans (with no subscriptions)

  • ✅ 🔨 Knowledge Base: Fix save article image & fix search bar navigation issues

Thanks for reading.

Let me know what you think in the Discord server!
